Friday, October 22, 2010

These Kids will be the death of me!

What a stressful day!
Actually, it started out quite calm and relaxing.  Rosie had a great morning sleep, Danni watched tv or just amused herself with her toys.
THEN Rosie woke up.  There is 2.5 years difference in age between them but it's like having twins.  First thing I hear Danni calling out to me "mummy I have a sore butt", she had a bit of a rash so I went to put some Paw Paw cream on it.  When I walked into her bedroom where she was, standing with her pants down, I could smell Vicks Vapour Rub and noticed the open jar on her bed.  I ask her did she put that on.  She said yes.  I smell her and yep sure enough she has! So I race her in to the bathroom and clean her up.
Go on with my business then a few minutes later I hear Rosie scream.  I run in and she is face down on the floor in Billie's room.  I ask Danni what happened.  She fell off the bed.  The bed luckily is only half a foot off the ground.  But Rosie has a black eye and carpet burn from her forehead down.  I give her cuddles and take her into the kitchen to put some ice on her eye.
Finally get everyone calmed down, I have had to send my mum to pick up Billie because I was dealing with Rosie.  Billie's school had been on an excursion and were due back at 3.15pm.  Mum texts me at 3.29pm, they still aren't back.  Makes a joke that maybe they had pulled over to the side of the road for Billie (She gets car sick). 5 minutes later I get a call from the school "Are you picking Billie up today?" Um, yes, my mum is there waiting. "Well Billie is here in the office with us, where in the school is your mum?" Mum was waiting in her usual spot and the bus had come in on the other side of the school!  Talk about give me a heart attack, I had been stressing all day about the bus going up the mountain and having scary images of it crashing etc.  Then to get that phone call! ARGH! Kids, who'd have em!
On a better note, weigh in day today, lost 2.5 kg this week! So that makes it a total of 6.2kg in 2 weeks.  I am feeling lighter! lol!  My clothes are so much more comfortable.
It's friday night, The older 2 kids have gone to Nanna & Popples for the night, Jase and I are having Montezumas.  I am going to have their Mexican Salad, raw Broccoli, Cauliflower, Carrot, Red cabbage, zucchini and apple with a lemon, Lime & Vinegar dressing!  YUM, can't wait!

Oh and 11 days untiil surgery!


  1. oh what a day eh............but all worth it...sort of........have a nice dinner......

  2. 11 days - OMG. That's come up fast xo
