Thursday, October 28, 2010

Nothing to do with my diet but

What am I doing wrong?  I am so stressed with my kids and so tired, I don't know what I am doing wrong.
They are into EVERYTHING.  I can't go to the toilet without one of them getting their arm stuck in a drawer, or falling off a bed, or just beating the crap out of each other. 
Apparantly some mothers can get by without having a break from their kids.  Apparantly I shouldn't need any help with the house or any chores.  I should be doing it on my own.  So why can't I?  What am I doing wrong.
I go out to hang the washing on the line, Rosie falls over or falls off the lounge she is now climbing up onto.  Danni gets into the kitchen and pulls everything out.  Rosie follows her in and gets into it all.
Someone leaves the toilet or bathroom door open, so Rosie gets in and starts playing with the toilet water, gets into the bathroom and crawls into the shower and gets all wet.
Danni is constantly "hungy".  All she does is eat when she is home. 
We play, we go outside, we colour in, we read.  I don't know what else I can do with them.
Billie is another story.  HOw long does it take to put a friggen pair of socks on.  Tell her its time for her shower, she chucks a huge tantrum.  Billie, you have been having to Bathe for 9 years now, it shouldn't come as a surprise to you that you have to do it every night.  And getting her to brush her hair OMG!
Forget any intimacy between me and Jase.  That is 3 minutes of sleep time I can't afford to lose!  He falls asleep on the lounge.  I am in bed before the sun goes down.  Yet we are both up all nigth dealing with 1 child or another.
Last night Danni woke up screaming, so this in turn woke Rosie up.  While I dealt with Danni Jase dealt with Rosie. 
What are we doing wrong.  I am just so so so so so tired!


  1. Oh love, i dont mean to laugh, but, 3 minutes!!!!! oh god that is so so funny, i know i shouldnt be laughing, I for one know how hard the girls are, i can back you all the way on that one, i do feel for you, and i am sure you are not the only mother going thru what you are with the girls, they are full of energy and you aint, nothing worse....and who ever told you you can do all this on your own has rocks in their head!!!! Sorry to the person whoever said that, but have you been home with Tracey when all the girls are there? Have you been there when you cant get Bilie motivated in the morning? Have you been with Danni when she chuck a tanty when she cant get her own way??? Have u seen Rosie getting into everything she is not supposed to??? Well then , dont go saying that to Tracey, yes i am her mother sticking up for her, but I have seen it all!! and they are NO different when they are at my place.......We have to do exactly what Tracey does at her home, hide everything from Rosie and Danni, make sure the toilet door is shut, make sure we block the kitchen off, so whoever said that GET A LIFE!!! i get so pissed off when people say these things and they aint there, anyway i will get off my soapbox now, Tracey, u hang in there, u doing a great job trying to raise 3 girls, go on an extreme diet, no wonder you are tired all the time, i feel for you..........Popple and I are behind you all the way..and you know, when things get tough, you only have to ask!!!!!!

  2. Trace, your arnt doing anything wrong at all.. If some mothers say they can do all of gthat on theor own they really have to be kidding themselves or their kids must be asleep alot. I only have one..Cany 3yrs old and OMG i think you are fantastic at holding it all together with 3 kids..i struggle at the moment (last 4mths) with Cameron and his tantrums, not sleeping and throwing and hitting. I also have tried everything from playing with him all day and not doing any house work or book work, tried changing his diet, his sleep times and even to a specialist to get checked.. its all just a "phase" i am told, but by god..some days i want to lock myself in a room and forget the world. We all experience this hunni and the diet your on, not having carb's is where u get your energey. Chin up babe, you are an AMAZING mummy and wife. And do not ever let anyone try and tell you otherwise. Thinking of you always babe xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox

  3. Oh Tracey, raising kids is not easy and they always want want want, well now that is your time to do something for yourself keep going do what you have to do this is about you at the moment its not for long, but this is how we got here we put everyone is first and forget about us, big hugs to you you are amazing and doing a wonderful job and to those who say get a life there the ones with out a life. And remember all the things that need doing will still be there waiting for you in 3 months time, enjoy this time and make yourself number 1
