Monday, October 11, 2010

Day 4 feeling alot better

Feeling alot better today, have had a little more motivation to do some things around the house.  Although this rain is really putting a dampener on my spirits (spirits, did someone say spirits, mmm bundy), sorry lost concentration for a second there. 
I have put a link to a video of the surgery I will be having.  I keep watching it over and over. 
Mum sent me a text before "talking to danni about swimming pool at new place and she saying me kick kick and blow bubbles and my mummy go in to".  One day baby girl, one day.
I am actually feeling quite proud of myself today, I have just got everyone elses dinner in the oven.  Porcupines.  Yum, family favourite.  It was the first meal Jase cooked for me at home.  It might sound stupid to some about being proud of having dinner in the oven ready to go.  But for me, I haven't had the energy to brush my hair the last 3 days, so that is a milestone for me!  I have even done the dishes after breakfast and lunch.  Again, might seem small to some, but for me to have the motivation back, is reassuring.  Just hope I have the will power to not eat the Porcupines! hehehe!  Must organise my vegies for my dinner.  Hmm what will it be tonight, steamed, stirfry, or should I have a salad!?

Oh my god, the porcupines smell amazing!  Seriously, I could dump my head in the dish and bob for meatballs like you do apples!  Yum!
Off to cut up my salad.  Going to have it with a little vinegar.

Screw you porcupines!  I won!  I didn't even have a lick!
What a difference today has been.  I have felt so much better.  I really hope this continues.

> True friendship isn't about being their when it's convenient, its about being there when it's not <

1 comment:

  1. Nothing tastes as good as thin feels,well're amazing x
