Sunday, October 10, 2010

Miserable Day 3

Miserable.  That is it. 

Well that was all I was going to put, because that is all that I felt.  The hunger pains aren't as bad now.  But the bland boring food I am eating is really not satisfying.  So while I may not be hungry I am still hungry for flavour.
I am trying to keep reminding myself of the bigger (smaller) picture but right now, 3 weeks of these bland boring untasteful vegetables is doing my head in!
I am getting so many messages of support which I REALLY appreciate.  Honestly, it is keeping me going.
I keep hearing "It's not forever", I know that, but right now, it seems like it.
My mum sent me a text saying "Sending you strength" I replied "Thanks but can you send a Big Mac"!
Jason is being so helpful, he has had to do all of the house and kids all weekend.  I am glad I started this friday because I had his help all weekend.  I just haven't had the strength to do anything.  We moved our girls bedrooms around.  I almost passed out.  I have never felt this drained of energy (even when I had newborn babies and had never slept).  This is just a whole new level of exhaustion.
Jase has been trying to suggest things I can make to help make the food taste a little nicer.  Sadly it all includes things I can't have.  He wanted to read the instructions I have been given because he didn't believe that I can't have any protein.  Even he thinks its wrong!
I went to bed at 8pm, I just couldn't stay up anymore.  I just want to sleep the next 3 weeks away. 
I actually weighed myself today.  All I can say is, yep I think I passed my liver!  Wow!  But that will happen when you starve yourself!  I won't share the results yet, because I know it is just my body in initial shock and its just fluid.  It may go up yet.

`Rivers know this: there is no hurry.  We shall get there some day` Winnie the Pooh

1 comment:

  1. Hi hun,
    more ideas for foods to make it feel better.

    make a soup from tomato paste, stock, and veggies chopped you can make a pretty huge tasty bowl of soup from 1 cup of veg.

    i ended up not measuring my veggies for salad.... making a bowl of chopped cucumber, lettuce, tomato, capsucum sliced mushrooms, snow peas and then putting the dressing in a little bowl and dipping!!! this can be satisfying and yum.
    try different dressings.
    mix the dressings.
    make hot hot tea from your favourite tea, milk and equal and drink heaps of it.... i mean like 10-12 cups a day!!!!!
    it all helps you feel un deprived.
    hope this helps you am waving the "I'm on Tracey's team" banner nice and high for you
