Thursday, October 14, 2010

End to my first week of Optifast

Today was a pretty non eventful day, except for the same old story of being tired again!
I actually didn't feel up to making any salad or vegies for lunch so I just had my shake, but by 3pm I was getting stomach cramps and thought I was going to pass out!
After picking Billie up from school I ducked into Chemist Warehouse to get some more shakes.  They only have Chocolate and Vanilla.  I spoke to a staff member and demanded they order in more flavours.  I also checked out some vitamins to take.  My dietician recommended I find something with 400mcg of Folic acid in it.  The staff member I spoke to had no idea what that meant, we found things with 400 ui (or something) in it and we had no idea if that was the same thing.  In the end I went with the Berocca.  Alot of people had suggested it, the dietician said I will need more than what is in that but will be ok for now but after surgery I will need something more.
After leaving the shops, I tried to fold up Rosie's pram.  The bloody cord that releases the locking mechanism to fold the pram down has snapped.  SO it wouldn't release the lock.  Imagine me, I haven't eaten for a week, I haven't slept for over 7 weeks, trying to shove this uncollapsed pram into the boot of my car.  Of course it wouldn't fit, I had someone come and try to help and then suggest I put it in the backseat.  Well then where will I put the 60,000 baby seats I have in there already genius??
I contemplated just unpacking the crap out of the pram and just dumping it in the carpark, but I may live in Eagleby but I don't have to act like I do!
Finally after snapping something I got it to go down, I threw it in the boot and slammed the boot shut.  I now only have a stroller to get Rosie around in.  No loading up on groceries without a trolley now!
I am still really bored with the food.  I had a bowl of steamed vegies last night and I just couldn't eat them.  They were so bland and gross.  I sat and watched the rest of the family have meat pie and potato, carrots & corn. 
Another early night for me. Tomorrow is weigh in day!

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