Thursday, February 17, 2011

Zumba Zumba Zumba!

I did my first Zumba class this week!  Wow, that was fun!  But bloody hilarious too! hehehe!  My head, feet and body were all dancing to their own beat!  Infact I think my body is still moving to something entirely different!  I just couldnt pick up the moves!  But like that instructor said, as long as I keep moving. I felt like Baby in Dirty Dancing when she gets the moves wrong in her performance with Johnny and she improvises.  That was me lol.
We also were evacuated from the gym half way through due to a fire alarm going off.  I swear I had nothing to do with that!  Something to do with the business next door.  But it was actually a good icebreaker for me, those that were in the zumba class all stood together and had a laugh.  The instructor came and spoke to me and told me I was doing really well.  She was really lovely when I first go there.  Came up and introduced herself and gave me some pointers.  She is an energetic little mexican jumping bean let me tell you!
Had another assessment with my trainer today.  Still I couldn't get through to him as to how little I eat.  He wants me to add a green tea to my diet.  Mate, I struggle to get enough water in let alone trying to fit in another cup of tea.  He wants me to sacrifice my morning cup of tea for a green tea!  Hell will freeze over before that happens! hehehe!  I think I may need to print out some info on the surgery for him so he understands I am not a standard training case.
Lost another 1.4kg this week.  Which is great.  I know it will slow down again when I start building muscle.  Apparantly I have abs somewhere under my belly!  Well we worked on them today.  Actually the trainer called it my core.  All I could think of was mmmmm Apple lol.  Actually I must have been hungry.  I went to the receptionist at the gym and asked if she had a menu I could take home.  What I was actually after was a timetable lol.  Yep , think it was time for lunch.
Had some very exciting news today, can't say anything else yet, but watch this space!

You have to believe ur going to win or what's the point of getting out of bed - Harry Kewell

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