Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Make Over!

God I am so blessed with so many beautiful friends!  I am so lucky to have so much support from family and everyone.  I am blown away everyday by the messages of support I get and the praise for my achievements.
I was lucky enough to receive a makeover by a few friends.  First I had a friend Katrina give me a haircut and colour.  I felt amazing.  It was so nice to sit and be spoilt.
Then another friend Dale, offered to do my hair and makeup for me and give me a spray tan so that I could take some photos.  I felt so glamorous and like a movie star.  I hate to sound conceited but I couldn't stop looking at myself in the photos after!
Here is a Before and After shot for you.

I have also been blessed to receive a Gym membership.  I had been wanting to try to get out there and start toning up.  With the 3 kids it really is hard.  I can't just up and leave and go for a good power walk, I have to load them all up on bikes or prams but then also I have to walk at their pace.  So that just was pointless.  Also where I live I don't feel safe walking the streets.  Its not too bad but its not the nicest place.
So I have been going to the gym for 3 days now.  I had an assessent with a Personal Trainer.  That was very frustrating.  He had never heard of my surgery before so he couldn't get the gist of how little I actually can eat or drink.  His questionaire was really irrelevant to me.  He kept looking at me like he was confused also!  But anyway, will see what kind of plan he can come up with for me.  He is talking about wanting to burn the carbs that I eat.  Well I don't know how he will do that!  I don't eat any lol!
I am feeling fantastic, I am doing things I would never have done 25+ kilos ago.  I even went for a slide on the slip n slide with the kids the other afternoon!  I am playing with the kids more.  I am even doing more housework!  I just have so much more energy.
I hope you are enjoying reading my story, please say hi.  Let me know what you think, if you have any questions.
"Inside some of us is a thin person struggling to get out, but they can usually be sedated with a few pieces of chocolate cake."
~Author Unknown


  1. Just amazing Trace. And to think, you have only just begun! Still more before and afters to come!

    What an inspiration XX
