Tuesday, August 30, 2011

I'm an Inspiration

I can't believe it.  I never thought, me, Tracey, would ever be called or feel like an inspiration. 
I have had lots of people telling me lately but today it hit me and I believe it.
Since I have been losing weight I have had lots of people ask me about my surgery etc.  Nothing is off limits with me, I am happy to talk about everything infact, you won't get me stopped after I start!
I have had people who have had lap band surgery tell me they wish they had of had what I had done.  Some of them have had their friends speak to me about Gastric Sleeve Surgery rather than lap band. 
The last few weeks I have had a number of people really question me abou the surgery.  They have now booked in themselves!  I can't believe it, I can't believe that I am something people would want to aspire to be like.  Have the success I have had.  I feels amazing and I am just feeling so proud of myself.

I wish all of those people all of the best with their surgeries.  I have told them follow your surgeons and dieticians orders to the letter.  That is the only way things will work. 

I went to my first dress up party on the weekend.  WOW!  It felt so good to be able to get involved rather than throw a Sombrero on my head!  I felt amazing (a little over exposed with the amount of flesh I had showing lol).  I also can't believe the photos that it is me.  I am super impressed with my jaw line!  I have a chin!  Yes a chin, one single chin!!!  God I wish I had of done this years ago!

Check out the Jaw line!  No, not the chest, the jaw line! lol

I feel amazing, I can't believe my own transformation.  Not just my size but my outlook on life, my outlook on myself, my confidence and the belief in myself.  Finallly I feel worthy of my own love.

1 comment:

  1. I just love that last paragraph! You look fantastic, thank you for sharing your journey.
