Thursday, July 14, 2011

Dietician very happy.

Had a dietician appointment this week.  The appointments get fewer as time goes on.  Especially now that I am showing that I am doing so well.
My Dietician asked me if I was going to a photo shoot later in the day.  I had made an effort to dress up that morning.  Nice new skinny jeans and stiletto boots.  And of course my gorgeous leather jacket that I want to sleep in!
I felt great!  To hear this professional also tell me she is very happy with my progress and she is going to write to my surgeon to tell him how well I am doing, just makes me feel great.
My dietician was very happy to hear that I have learnt what I can and can't eat.  I have learnt that carbs will fill me quicker, if I eat the carbs, I won't get the protein that I need.  So now I really make concious decision when choosing what I eat.  For example, Sushi, I pick the ones with the least amount of rice, or even, just don't eat the rice.  Pizza, I eat the topping etc.  I really love my meat and the dietician said that is great as that is what is helping the rapid weight loss.
Don't get me wrong, I am still having naughty things, but compared to the amount I used to have its ok.  I still have the odd drink of coke, here and there.  I have really become addicted to Caramel Latte's.  I don't "drink" alot through the day.  I have to choose, eat or drink lol.  So depending on the day and how I am feeling.
I am getting compliments left right and centre!  Its very flattering!  I am really not used to it.
Wasn't recognised at our monthly Make-A-Wish meeting this week!  I hadn't been for 2 months.  So yes there was probably a bit of a difference lol.  It was quite funny.  Seeing someone say hello to you that you have known for 13 years but they look at you like they have met you for the first time.
I really can't wait to get my hair back to my Natural colour.  At the moment I feel like a Bogan, huge regrowth showing lol.  I liked being blonde but I just don't like how the regrowth shows so much on me.  So hopefully back to being a Brunette soon.

'In the end.... what we regret most are the chances we never took"

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