Thursday, May 31, 2012

Lose 50kg, do a Marathon. Why Not?

So, 18 months ago, I wouldn't have run for a bus if I was running late.  The only run I knew about was the one in my stockings.
Guess what!?  I have sigend up to do the Gold Coast Marathon in June.
I am doing the 5.7km Run/Walk.  I am very excited.  I have a few people who have been doing Marathons and have inspired me to give it a go.  I am not after a PB or anything but I want to cross it off my bucket list.
I am running for Make-A-Wish Australia.  I want to raise at least $500 for them.  You can sponsor me at
I have started training.  Not so much the running part, but just keeping my fitness levels up.  I have been running on the treadmill.  I did 4km in 40minutes on a treadmill the other day.  So hopefully if I can keep a good pace I should finish the Marathon in an hour.
Its my birthday tomorrow.  Looking forward to a great night out and dinner tonight with friends.
I have asked for a Gold Coast Titans Jersey for my birthday.  I have always wanted a footy jersey but was always way too big to fit one.  Now I am down to a smaller size I have used it as my dream outfit.
I can't wait to see if I get one!

I saw my Dietician and Surgeon last week.  I am apparantly exactly where I am supposed to be with my weight loss.  I am doing everything right.  My Surgeon said I was a "Poster child" for this surgery.  Now that is a huge compliment!

My Dietician has also asked me to do a Testimonial for her website with before and after photos.  WOW!  What an honour!  I must be doing something right.

All in all, I am feeling fantastic.  Still can't believe it's me sometimes when I look in the mirror or see a photo of myself.

My gorgeous family <3

Friday, May 11, 2012

Plateau of all Plateau's!

Seriously, no change for over 6 months.  I am going out of my mind.  I know I should be happy and stop looking at the scales, but even my cloths have stayed the same!
I can't wait to see my Dietician in a few weeks,  To see what I can do from here, what my goal weight should be.
Don't get me wrong, I feel fantastic.  Still find it hard to recognise myself in photos.  Loving life, but I just want to lose another 3-5kg then I will be happy!  That will get me in the 60's!